Caitlin McKinstry, M.S.

Research Assistant

300 Breakwater, PO Box 705 Cordova, Alaska 99574
907-424-5800 x 236

Caitlin is a biological and field technician specializing in zooplankton taxonomy. She received her MS in marine biology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in 2011, where she focused on the energy and lipid content of copepods. Before joining the PWSSC, Caitlin worked at the Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station (NB, Canada) on various field projects including at-sea pelagic bird captures, the harbor porpoise release program, and Atlantic herring condition assessment. Depending on the day, Caitlin can be found in the lab, out in the field, or on the ski hill.

Research Projects by Caitlin McKinstry