Fish passage summaries:
Daily Counts of Salmon Passage
Hourly Counts of Salmon Passage
*Note: Some browsers display a cached version of the file that is not up to date. If the counts are not updating, you may need to refresh the page in your browser.
Sonar videos:
East Bank Sonar
West Bank Sonar
The filename of each sonar video indicates the date and time it was taken, filenames are of the form yyyymmdd_hhmmss.mp4. The east bank sonar is run for the top ten minutes of every hour, and the west bank sonar is run for ten minutes starting at 15 minutes after the hour.
*Note: If you are having trouble viewing the videos your computer may be lacking the required encoder. Please try installing the VLC player (free and open source), if you install the web browser plugin, you should be able to view videos directly from your browser.
Questions or comments? Please contact Rob Campbell at: coppersonar@pwssc.org
May 24: The west bank sonar frame and weir were recovered from several feet of sand, and the sonar re-sited ~100 yards down stream. A new SIM card is en route from Verizon to improve network speeds.
May 22: Our internet connection is being throttled by Verizon, we are not able to upload videos at present. Counts are being updated, and we have emails in to Verizon about a remedy. The West Bank sonar is in danger of being swamped by rising river levels, we will relocate it in the near future.
May 15: Counts have been ongoing on the east bank. Eulachon are running and there are several thousand gulls and ~200 seals in the lower river. There has been very little salmon passage to speak of so far. The west bank is clear of ice and the second sonar was deployed.
May 10: The technicians are catching up on counts and will update the summaries ASAP.
May 9: The Lower Delta Sonar camp was deployed and the east bank sonar turned on at 18:00. The west bank still has land-fast ice and large ice pieces passing, the second sonar will be deployed when conditions permit. We are not sending out sonar videos yet, the new sonars make impressively large data files (2.5 gigabytes per 10 minute run) and the processing routines will need to be tuned to deal with them without the risk of losing data. The technicians will continue to update hourly and daily counts in the meantime, and we will backfill the server with all the videos when they have been processed.
Questions or comments? Please contact Rob Campbell at: coppersonar@pwssc.org