Mary Anne Bishop, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

700 New England Cannery Rd., PO Box 705 Cordova, Alaska 99574
907-424-5800 x 261

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Mary Anne is a research ecologist with a doctorate from the University of Florida at Gainesville. Her research focuses primarily on migration strategies of birds and fishes and on estuarine ecology, including the shorebirds, estuarine fishes and benthic invertebrates that inhabit the estuarine environment. She has extensive experience studying migratory movements of shorebirds, seabirds, and marine fishes using radio and acoustic telemetry and using light-level geolocator technology. Her current research includes a long-term study of marine bird ecology during the nonbreeding season in Prince William Sound, a study on the annual migration cycle of adult Pacific Herring, a long-term surveillance program for the prevalence and diversity of influenza A viruses circulating in the gull and shorebird population on the Copper River Delta, and a study on postbreeding migratory movements by Tufted Puffins in the Gulf of Alaska. Bishop has overseen the deployment, maintenance, and expansion of underwater acoustic receiver arrays in Prince William Sound including the Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project (2008-2013) and the Ocean Tracking Network arrays located at entrances to the Sound from the Gulf of Alaska (2013-present). A devoted “craniac”, Mary Anne studied whooping cranes and sandhill cranes for her graduate studies. Additionally, from 1990 to 2009 she worked cooperatively with the International Crane Foundation and Chinese scientists in China’s Tibet Autonomous Region studying the winter ecology and conservation of the endangered Black-necked Crane and the Bar-headed Goose.

Research Projects by Mary Anne Bishop, PhD

January 11, 2017

Avian Influenza in Gulls

Related posts July 5, 2019 Tufted Puffin UpdateRead More May 15, 2018 2018 LOWER COPPER RIVER SONAR STATION FISH PASSAGERead More February 28, 2018 Monitoring Marine […]
October 19, 2016

Herring Research and Monitoring

Related posts March 15, 2019 Status of Prince William Sound HerringRead More June 4, 2013 Aerial Surveys of Juvenile HerringRead More April 3, 2024 Remotely Operated […]
May 24, 2016

Ecology of the Copper River Delta

Related posts Avian Influenza August 20, 2013 Technologies for the field identification and on-site confirmation of Avian InfluenzaRead More May 23, 2018 High Frequency Observations of […]
January 5, 2016

Pacific Cod

Related posts August 30, 2018 Resolving the Annual Pelagic Distribution of Tufted PuffinsRead More June 4, 2013 Trends in Seabird Predation of Juvenile HerringRead More February […]