Discover Cordova

Connecting kids to their natural environment with exploration, science, and fun.

Discover Cordova, a Prince William Sound Science Center educational program, is designed to get local kids, of all ages, out and about in an engaging, semi-structured, fun way to connect to the habitats of their childhood.  From tide pooling on the ocean’s shore, to walking through rainforests, there are endless discoveries within the surrounding environment to explore in Cordova.

This season’s program kicked off with Follow that Track, where kids had the opportunity to identify animal tracks along the shores of Hartney Bay and observe the details of the environment more closely through a scavenger hunt.  The Bug Safari outing at Ski Hill gave kids a chance to romp around in the muskeg and capture bugs for identification.  The first day of June, we rendezvoused at Nirvana Park for,  A Walk in the Woods, to look for forest dwellers and collect natural materials to make a take home art project. 

Keep your eyes open for flyers posted for upcoming events throughout the summer. We hope you will take the time to explore this place we all call home!