Herring Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach
The Education and Outreach element of this program is designed to enhance the PWS (Prince William Sound) Herring Research program (HRM) by showcasing it's relevancy, broadening it's applicability and extending it's impact to community members and beyond. In addition to being a key link in the food web of PWS, herring have historical cultural importance as well. Communities in the spill affected area have used these forage fish for subsistence and as supplemental income as a commercial fishery. Understanding what is happening to the population overtime is important to many. Outreach is essential to inform those vested interest groups what the researchers are finding.
In order to share this research PWSSC's staff have a variety of outreach outlets. Outreach for the program includes supplemental science lessons at Cordova's local elementary school known as Discovery Room, research based interview radio show titled Field Notes, Lecture Series hosted by USFS, research project summary handouts, articles in PWSSC's annual newspaper titled Delta Sound Connections, as well as work sessions with vested interest groups around Prince William Sound. Information about each research project is also hosted the AOOS Data Portal where people can get an in depth look at the research being conducted.
What we are learning
As technology develops it is getting easier and easier to share information. By using social media the program hopes to broaden its reach even further as the project continues. Tune into KCHU, search our website with the hashtag #herring, ask a local fifth grader, or search the data portal to learn more about herring in PWS.
Hayley HooverPWS Science Center