Locations of PWS acoustic arrays

***The point of contact for these moorings is Mary Anne Bishop (907) 424-5800 x 228 or Ben Gray (907) 424-5800 x 234 ***
To download the entire report click here: acoustic receiver moorings in PWS_2019
Please be advised, during the 2014 pollock fishery, several of the PWS acoustic receiver moorings were snagged and damaged. Please use the following maps and tables of locations to avoid contact with the moorings.
[one_half_last]Map of PWS acoustic receiver moorings (red dots; click map to enlarge). Moorings are located near Hinchinbrook entrance, Montague Strait, the southwest passages (Latouche, Elrington, Prince of Wales, and Bainbridge), Canoe Pass/Cedar Bay, Red Head, Gravina, Glacier Island, NW Montague Strait (3 moorings), and Knight Island Passage (2 moorings).
Note: a more detailed map of the single mooring at Glacier Island/Chamberlain Bay is not provided here to save space. Please refer to the above map and the table below to avoid contact with this mooring.
Acoustic receiver moorings symbolized by red dots in following maps. Click map to enlarge.
Mooring Designs (see figures below)
Acoustic receiver moorings at major entrances (Hinchinbrook, Montague, and SW Passages) along with locations at Glacier Island, Gravina, Canoe Pass/Cedar Bay, and one receiver at Red Head are based on the “VR4 and VR2AR mooring design” diagram below. VR4’s are moored with approximately 220 lbs of boom chain and an 18” Hardball syntactic foam float. VR2AR’s are moored with approximately 100 lbs of boom chain and a 16” Hardball syntactic foam float. These floats provide enough buoyancy to reduce receiver tilt and counteract weight due to biofouling. Both VR4’s and VR2AR’s will tether to a mooring base with 3/8” Spectra and connect to floatation with 5/16” Spectra. Riser lengths will be at least 16′ or 10% of the mooring depth for moorings that exceed 326′ depth.
Moorings across Knight Island Passage, Montague Strait, and the other receiver at Red Head consist of a VR3 acoustic receiver with 220 lbs of boom chain as a mooring weight. These receivers are fit with specialized floatation collars to reduce receiver tilt and counteract weight due to biofouling. VR3’s will tether to a mooring base with 3/8” Spectra.
***The point of contact for these moorings is Mary Anne Bishop (907) 424-5800 x 228 or Ben Gray (907) 424-5800 x 234 ***