PWSSC visits Kodiak and St. Paul

Cara Goodwin assists the St. Paul students building their ROV.

In May two of our education staff members visited schools in Kodiak and St. Paul, sharing presentations with kids from 3rd through 12th grade on oil spills and response equipment. Small groups were each given a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) kit to design and build their own underwater craft, ultimately testing their design in a series of scored challenges.

Students in St. Paul construct their ROV.

Cara Goodwin assists the St. Paul students building their ROV.






Students in St. Paul assembling their ROVs, with the assistance of Cara Goodwin and Meadow Scott.

St. Paul

St. Paul






St. Paul students put the final touches on their ROVs.

St. Paul

St. Paul






Left: Meadow Scott looks on as students learn about oil in water properties. Right: Students gather in the St. Paul harbor to test their ROVs during a mock oil spill.

St. Paul

St. Paul






Left: Students in St. Paul maneuvering their ROV during the mock oil spill. Right: ROV scooping up popcorn during the mock oil spill challenge.








Students in Kodiak learn about oil in arctic environments and built their ROVs.








Kodiak student testing their ROVs in the pool during the mock oil spill challenge.