Nature Journaling

Community Nature Journaling: 2024 Summer Series




Introduction to Nature Journaling and Scientific Art

A partnership between PWSSC and Cordova High School, Introduction to Nature Journaling and Scientific Art is a year-long, once-weekly class offered to local teens. The class, broadly, is designed to inspire curiosity and connection to nature and to encourage practices of mindfulness. It introduces concepts of nature journaling, scientific illustration, and alternative natural art processes, using drawing and painting as a methodology to learn about nature and science. Students engage in field trips to native habitats and local organizations, to connect with their sense of place. They also listen as community members, some scientists; some artists; some both, give presentations and share their creative energy. Class topics range from Mushrooms in Colored Pencil to Hard Parts in Pen & Ink; from Cyanotypes to Wildlife Photography; from Plankton Photomicrography to Preserving Botanicals. The 2020-21 school year is the course’s inaugural run.

The structure of Introduction to Nature Journaling and Scientific Art was designed to address Place Based Education discussions PWSSC has been hosting with Cordova School District and community partners over the past few years. Connection to place, involving expert community members, and art were three topics identified as areas for growth during these conversations.

This program is supported by a RurAL CAP Foundation grant.

Our nature journaling activities are largely guided and inspired by the teachings of Clare Walker Leslie and John Muir Laws.

To learn more about nature journalers of the far north, check out the Boreal Nature Journal Club on Facebook

Pages from Our Students' Journals

Nature Journaling Prompts & Worksheets

Draw a Shorebird
Draw a Shorebird

Follow along with us as we draw a Western Sandpiper, one of the most common shorebirds to migrate through Prince William Sound!

Video Tutorial
Winter Window Lookout
Winter Window Lookout

Pick any window in your house and investigate its view. Make sketches, take notes, and ask questions about what you see.

Cold Creature Snapshot
Cold Creature Snapshot

Take a walk or a drive. Snap a few photos of a cool creature and its habitat. At home, use them to investigate the creature in your nature journal.

Interesting Infographic
Interesting Infographic

Choose a favorite local plant, animal, or nature trail. Use photos and research to create a piece that can teach others about what you love.


Nature Journaling in Action