Photo by Lauren Bien

Cordova Team Places First in Project Portion of NOSB


The PhotosyntheSistahs at the regional Tsunami Bowl in Seward on February 23.
Photo: Lauren Bien

March 12, 2019

The all-female National Ocean Sciences Bowl team, coached by PWSSC Education Director, Lauren Bien, rocked the competition at the regional Tsunami Bowl. The PhotosyntheSistahs’ combination of a 15-page research paper and oral presentation and on ‘Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Copper River Sockeye Fishery’ won first place in the project portion of the competition.
The PhotosyntheSistahs finished the first day of the buzzer style competition undefeated. On the second and final day, they kept up the good work and made it to the finals. After a hard-fought round, the team took second place to the Ketchikan high school’s team, Saber Toothed Salmon. Congratulations, PhotosyntheSistahs!