Amanda Nordstrom

Field Crew lead

700 New England Cannery Rd., PO Box 705 Cordova, Alaska 99574

Amanda is a fisheries biologist with a B.S. in biology from California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. She serves as the Crew Lead for a collaborative project focused on radio tagging and tracking adult Sockeye salmon in the Copper River in southcentral Alaska. 

Amanda has spent most of her professional career in northern California working on and leading a variety of seasonal field crews with agencies such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. During this time, her work focused on population monitoring and management of Chinook salmon, Steelhead trout, and Cascades frogs. More recently, she served as field lead with USFWS Alaska on a remote fisheries project near the village of Platinum and fell in love with all that Alaska has to offer. 

With a passion for salmonids and freshwater ecosystems, Amanda plans to pursue further studies in the field of fisheries ecology. She hopes to focus on the effects of anthropological factors, such as climate change and hatchery production, on wild fish populations.