Kristen Gorman, PhD

Research Ecologist

300 Breakwater, PO Box 705 Cordova, Alaska 99574
907-424-5800 x 239

Research Gate

Kristen completed a PhD in biology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She is an evolutionary ecologist that has worked on wildlife systems from waterfowl of western Alaska to Antarctic seabirds. Her dissertation research examined demographic mechanisms underlying Pygoscelis penguin breeding population response to variability in sea ice food-webs of the Southern Ocean. Here at the PWSSC, Kristen is leading the stream component of the Hatchery-Wild Salmon Interactions Program and the juvenile herring energetics component of the Herring Research and Monitoring Program. Her research integrates ecological field studies with laboratory data such as biogeochemical (stable isotopes), physiological (hormones, toxicology), and genetic (population structure) markers to better understand factors affecting animal performance in reproduction and survival.

Research Projects by Kristen Gorman, PhD

January 18, 2018

Reproductive maturity of herring

Related posts June 4, 2013 Growth, energy and survivalRead More June 4, 2013 Winter energetics of herringRead More December 29, 2014 Acoustic ConsistencyRead More
October 19, 2016

Herring Research and Monitoring

Related posts March 15, 2019 Status of Prince William Sound HerringRead More June 4, 2013 Aerial Surveys of Juvenile HerringRead More April 3, 2024 Remotely Operated […]
June 4, 2013

Growth, energy and survival

Related posts June 4, 2013 Winter energetics of herringRead More June 4, 2013 Ocean conditions of herring habitatsRead More January 18, 2018 Reproductive maturity of herringRead […]