Board member transitions in October

We extend extreme gratitude to four board members who termed out in October:
Chair Meera Kohler, President and CEO at Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Anchorage.
Meera sat on the board from 1999-2008 and then again from 2011-2014. We salute Meera, who absolutely earned the sabbatical she was awarded through the Rasmuson Foundation Sabbatical Program this year. Her years of service to the Science Center, both as a board member and friend, are greatly appreciated. Nobody runs a better meeting than Meera–her business acumen is second to none.
Eric Knudsen, Ph.D., Fisheries biologist (retired USGS), Mount Vernon, Washington.
Eric has been on the board since 2005. He is also the project leader for our Hatchery and Wild Salmon Interactions Study, so we plan to see and hear from him often. That said, we will miss his collegial and insightful contributions as a board member.
Treasurer John Garner, VP of Sales at Trident Seafoods, Seattle, Washington.
John was with us from 2011-2014. John has been a staunch supporter of the Science Center, but will now be focusing his time on his new position as Chief Operating Officer at North Pacific Seafoods. We wish John all the best and know he’ll come back to join us at the Copper River Nouveau dinner table in the future.
Gordie Reeves, Ph.D., Research fish biologist at the Pacific NW Research Station/USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon.
Gordie was a board member from 2011-2014. We will miss him for many reasons, especially his decades-deep knowledge of Copper River Delta ecosystems and insights on research strategies.
Please join us in welcoming four new board members:
Don Moore, former city manager of Cordova, joins us from Wasilla, Alaska.
Don has been integral to the success of the Science Center off and on since its inception and we are thrilled to welcome him as a member of the Board of Directors.
Margaret Stock, Ph.D. brings her legal insight to PWSSC as well as her passion for Prince William Sound. Margaret is a highly recognized immigration attorney and former West Point Academy professor. Most relevant to our mission, she has spent months kayaking the shorelines of Prince William Sound.
Seth Walker, Engagement Director at the Russell Family Foundation, Gig Harbor, Washington.
Seth walked us through our rebranding effort three years ago and has been a guide to and friend of the Science Center for years. We are excited that he is staying involved in a new capacity as a board member.
Laura Meadors, VMT Operations Manager, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Valdez, Alaska.
Laura (and her husband Mike) have been active supporters of the Science Center for many years. After filling a vacancy from a previous board member, we are thrilled to have her on our board for the long-term.