Copper River Nouveau participants and sponsors break all past records

By Signe Fritsch, Development and Communications Specialist
On June 15th, 124 guests joined together to make this year’s Copper River Nouveau the most successful to date. Prior to the dinner, guests and other members of the community attended our dockside ceremony for the Fisheries Achievement Award. This year’s recipient was Bill Bailey III, honored for his commitment to advancing the quality and marketability of Copper River and Prince William Sound salmon as a commercial fisherman and fish processor, for product innovation and market expansion, as a mentor to young fishermen, and in recognition of his unsurpassed skills in the smokehouse.
The dinner and auction were held at Orca Adventure Lodge. A five-course gourmet dinner featuring king and sockeye salmon was prepared by Chef Laura Cole of 229 Parks near Denali National Park. Corporate and individual sponsorships totaled over $60,000. That evening, our guests and volunteers contributed nearly the same amount of money through our silent and live auctions and our “raise the paddle” portion of the night. Together, along with ticket sales, our donors and sponsors beat last year’s record gross receipts by a 38% increase. Thank you to everyone who made this possible—each and every contributor makes it possible for PWSSC to carry out our mission!