Land Purchase

PWSSC Finalizes Land Purchase for a New Location

CEO Katrina Hoffman signs the land deed for the future location of the Science Center. Photo: Seth Walker
March 12, 2019
Did you know the Science Center occupies eight rented facilities in Cordova? After nearly 30 years of renting, we are finally landowners. In 2018, the City of Cordova approved the sale of a 5-acre parcel at Shelter Cove to PWSSC, and we received the title in December. Now we are in the process of making a hope become reality: consolidating from several locations to one, where we will build the compact campus that we have dreamed of for decades. To make this dream become a reality, we’ll be fundraising with a capital campaign. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to improve our community and the region’s resilience by investing in your Science Center.