New staff members arrive at the Science Center

Anne Schaefer arrived in Cordova in mid-August to work as an avian research assistant for Dr. Mary Anne Bishop. She has an undergraduate degree from South Dakota State University in Organismal Biology and Spanish and a Master’s degree from the University of Montana, Missoula in Wildlife Biology. Anne’s master’s work focused on evaluation of and making improvements to monitoring methods for rare and elusive species, specifically Kittlitz’s and marbled murrelets. She has experience in experimental design, abundance surveys, enzyme and radio-immuno assays, and several quantitative and statistical methodologies and programs.
Sean Lewandoski arrived in mid-September to work as a fisheries research assistant for Dr. Mary Anne Bishop. He received his B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Michigan and is finishing his Master’s degree with Montana State University. For his thesis work, he estimated population-level vital rates and exploitation of burbot in Wyoming using mark recapture techniques. Additionally, he developed population models to explore the long-term viability of these burbot fisheries. Sean is excited to shift his research focus towards marine fisheries and the dynamic Prince William Sound ecosystem.
Molly Swartz is our new AmeriCorps member serving in our education department where she will be teaching in the Discovery Room and leading the Tuesday night lecture series. Molly grew up in Anchorage and graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in ecology and evolutionary biology. She also has experience as a field and lab technician. Molly plans to pursue a master’s degree and get involved in research related to marine or terrestrial wildlife conservation. She likes to hike, ski, kayak, and climb, and can’t wait to explore Cordova.