Weather Buoy Photo Highlights by Dr. Rob Campbell

Last weekend, Dr. Rob Campbell deployed a new weather buoy in western PWS, about five miles due east of Naked Island. The buoy was deployed as part of a collaborative project with the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC). It will provide better wave and weather information in that part of the sound for all mariners.
This buoy is equipped with a full suite of weather instruments (temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, wind speed, and direction), a wave sensor, and it also measures near-surface currents. The observations are sent out via cellular internet every hour to a data server at the Science Center.
The weather buoy in its new home by Naked Island! The buoy will remain at the site for the foreseeable future. The next step for the project is to produce a website to distribute the data in real time.