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our fall fundraiser october 21-24, 2024

Welcome to one of the world’s greatest living laboratories, and one of the last, best places to see and study global change: the world’s richest waters of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Be it oil spill recovery, changing fisheries, warming oceans, or melting glaciers, we see it and study it. We’re a leading research and education institute that’s building the knowledge for a more resilient regional and global future. We hope you’ll join us, so that the promise of today may remain the promise of tomorrow.


We approach our research in ways that lead to positive impacts, sustainable use of resources and resilience — here and everywhere.


Since 1989, our educators have developed theme-based education programs for all sectors of society, from K-grey.

A cleaner
& safer future

The Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) was established by Congress in response to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. OSRI was created to identify and develop the best available techniques, equipment and materials for dealing with oil spills in the Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environment; and, to complement federal and state damage assessment efforts and determine, document, assess and understand the long-range effects of Arctic and sub-Arctic oil spills on the natural resources of Prince William Sound, and the environment, the economy and the lifestyle and well-being of the people who are dependent on those resources.


Support this place

With your gift to the Prince William Sound Science Center, you make it possible to deepen the understanding of resilience and how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long-term.

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