World's richest laboratory
Headquartered in the key fishing port of Cordova in the northern Gulf of Alaska, we provide practical, relevant information about this critical global bioregion to managers and decision-makers so true resilience can be practiced here and modeled everywhere.
Our region is one of the world’s most remote and greatest living laboratories, a stronghold that’s critical to a thriving planet. Our location, at the endpoint of a 1,000-year conveyor belt of water from Antarctica that produces the world’s richest waters, gives us a unique vantage point to understand the globe’s changing climate.
Ours is one of the last, best places to research how an intact ecosystem functions. Studies by our researchers provide answers to many challenges, including: climate change, resource use and sustainability, food webs, ecosystem management and more. Ultimately, our work seeks one outcome: to understand how places everywhere can maintain their environments and economies for generations to come.
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